
Starting on Maraverde~

Long time no update...

BloodyBerry and I are joining a Komik Festival (ManHua) on March 31 and the registration deadline is on March 3rd, and now we're working on a project and its what's taking up our time. We went through so many titles that we wanted to work on and because of clashes with real life activities, we couldn't work on the story we wanted to do most since it requires details and attention. We settled with the most unexpected story we often skip out on but hey, it turned out hilarious. Our story Maraverde, means green river in English, was the choice among the dozens that fleeted through our minds. It's a supernatural and comedy story combined and kinda like a comic strip only not made into a strip or the usual 4-panel you see. And the very last I did and got my sister in the mood to draw was removing all restrictions on how she must draw. You see, BloodyBerry likes details, and I mean lots of lines and designs on her characters. With that and the talk we had about doing one page a day of our indie, we got our gears moving. I estimated that we can make it on time, afterall, the requirement for registration on ManHuaCon we wanted to enter was the final cover and any 2 comic page. With fingers crossed and a lot of 'hopefully'... we get to finish our indie on time.

In addition to this, we also formed a group. Please visit our site: The BLANK PAGE